21 Day Fast – Week 2

We are into week 2 of the fast.  Lou Engel, one of the fathers of the fasting movement says “Many of us seek to gain a level of victory that is only one day deep. The one-, two- and five-day fasts are good, but for the epic scale of the conquest needed at the end of the age – to become a father or mother who takes the land by raising double portion sons and daughters – you may need to follow a longer path.  According to 1 Kings 19:8, ‘Elijah arose and ate and drank, and went in the strength of that food forty days and forty nights to Horeb, the mountain of God'”.

Raising double portion sons and daughters

Elijah despaired before this fast.  Fresh from Carmel, he was probably expecting a great prophetic act, but God spoke to him in a small, still voice.  Elijah had to go anoint Elisha and Elisha would receive a double anointing – a double portion son.  Hearing God was refined during that 40 day fast.  After the spectacular Carmel, Elijah was called to hand on the baton to Elisha.  He had to gain a son.  It was not about his ministry, but that he would pass on his mantle.

One of the major themes during this fast for me is fathering sons and daughters, my own and spiritual sons and daughters at City Bowl Church.  I want to pass on a double portion to my sons and daughters.  Pray that God will give us the blueprint to do fathering (very little available in terms of training) and that we can raise sons and daughters in 2018 that will be double portion sons and daughters in terms of anointing.

Please continue to share any prophetic words with me that come about as a result of this fast.  I can then circulate to a wider audience.


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