City Bowl Church is a community of Christians that are revivalists at heart with a love for God’s Word and for people who are in need.  City Bowl Church was planted in 2008 and moved to its current venue in Vredehoek Avenue in 2013.  City Bowl Church has a rich heritage in evangelism and discipleship since its inception and continues to actively reach out to the CPUT student, District Six and Vredehoek communities.

We value community and love spending time in each other’s company or having a meal together or spending time after church chatting for another hour.  We believe in servant leadership with everyone rolling up their sleeves and getting their hands dirty.  Leadership is spread across a group of leaders who bring their different gifts to bear to encourage the local body of believers.  We love the things of the Spirit and actively practise the gifts of the Spirit and find every opportunity to exercise these gifts in both safe and risky environments.  We love to worship together led by City Bowl Worship who has written new songs and are producing new sounds ushering us more into the presence of God.  We value God’s Word highly and actively teach, read and pray God’s Word.  Prayer is at the centre of everything that we do and once a week we do prayer walks in our hinterland praying for our neighbours that they will come to know Christ.  Together with prayer walks we combine treasure hunts where we trust the Holy Spirit to show us specific detail about a person before we go out and then we often come across that very person during our prayer walk