Being missional part 2

Let me summarise from last week, when I use the term “missional” then, it refers to God’s purpose to redeem the world – it is the mission of the Father through the Son and the Holy Spirit that includes the church (Williams, Rick. Uncomfortable Growth (p. 79). Kindle Edition).  I presented to you the argument…

Being missional and how we can be missional in community – Part 1

We live in times of unprecedented change.  Millenials are the last generation born in the 20th century (1978 to 2000). 50 percent of Millennials consider themselves politically unaffiliated; 29 percent consider themselves religiously unaffiliated; They have the highest average number of Facebook friends, with an average of 250 friends vs. Generations X’s 200; 55 percent…

Let’s meet together

Meeting together in corporate worship each week Hebrews 10:25 reminds us to not neglect to meet together regularly so that we can encourage each other.   According to regular contributor, Matthew Westerholm on, we attend corporate worship for the following reasons: Jesus is alive – we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus every week because…