Let’s meet together

Meeting together in corporate worship each week

Hebrews 10:25 reminds us to not neglect to meet together regularly so that we can encourage each other.   According to regular contributor, Matthew Westerholm on desiringGod.org, we attend corporate worship for the following reasons:

  • Jesus is alive – we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus every week because the event is so special to us;
  • It is a place to remember and practise the gospel – thank you Jesus for saving me and we can come before Him with humble hearts confessing our sins (both individually and corporately) and our need for Him; and
  • It is a place where we can learn to love people different to us – and our community so reflects that fact.

Corporate worship is more than showing up though.   Expect to receive from God through lots of people.  And then consider how God can use your gifts to serve the body of Christ (not only City Bowl Church).  Remember that it is more blessed to give than receive (Acts 20:35).  There are obviously legitimate reasons why you will not be able to attend sometimes, but when you have an opportunity to do so come love others and serve with us.  We are going to create a culture of volunteerism where everyone in our community serves in some capacity or other at least three or four times per year including handing out sandwiches and praying for those on the street or being an usher or helping with set up.  This weekend we will do sound training.


One Comment

  1. As soon as things settle within business, I want to be apart of serving the community praying for the poor,helping them

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